Widerporst - Sprache zu Text

mit Neuronalem Netzwerk Whisper von Open AI

Das Widerporst Programm kannst du nutzen um Audio Datein mit Sprache aufzunehmen und in Text umzuwandeln.

In diesem Video zeige ich dir wie du das Widerporst Programm auf deinen eigenen Rechner runterladen und verwenden kannst um Audio Dateien mit Sprache aufzunehmen und in Text umzuwandeln.

Widerporst in 5 einfachen Schritten

  1. Installer durch klicken auf „Widerporst herunterladen“ Button runterladen.
  2. Widerporst_Setup.exe ausführen und auf „Installieren“ klicken.
  3. Widerporst Sprache zu Text Programm starten.
  4. Auf „Aufnahme Starten“ klicken und Audio aufnehmen.
  5. Auf „Audio zu Text umwandeln“ klicken – fertig =)

FAQ - Häufig gestellte Fragen

Nein, die Verarbeitung erfolgt lokal auf deinem eigenen Rechner.

Deine Audio Aufnahmen und Text-Übersetzungen werden ausschließlich lokal auf deinem Rechner gespeichert.
Du findest alle Daten unter:

Die Neuronalen Netzwerke die in Widerporst verwendet werden heißen Whisper und stammenvon Open AI.
Mehr Informationen dafürber findest du auf:

4 Kommentare zu „Sprache_Zu_Text“

  1. Hey Peter,

    I really like your programm, I can confirm that using .mp3-files works just fine.
    However you mentioned in the video, that the use of the GPU instead the CPU could possible accelerate the program. Is this configuration easy to change (with relatively little programming knowledge) and if so how would this work?
    Thanks again for your work!


  2. Subject: Inquiry Regarding Importing Pre-Recorded Data into Widerporst

    Dear Widerporst Team,

    I hope this message finds you well. Firstly, I would like to commend you on your exceptional work in creating such a brilliant script. The Widerporst program has been remarkably helpful and straightforward to use, and I genuinely appreciate the effort you’ve put into making it user-friendly.

    I have been successfully using Widerporst to record audio and convert it into text, following the easy steps laid out in your instructional video. However, I have some pre-recorded audio files on my device that I would like to convert into text using your program.

    I am writing to inquire whether there is a possibility to import these pre-recorded files into Widerporst for conversion. If this feature is available, could you kindly guide me through the process? If not, would you consider this as a possible feature to add in a future update?

    Thank you once again for your excellent work on Widerporst. I look forward to your response.

    Best Regards,

    [Your Name]

    1. Hello [Your Name] 😉
      Thanks for your message.
      To transcribe pre recorded audio files, you can simply skip the first step of recording and manually input the path to your pre recorded audio file into the „Audio Datei:“ field.
      It will definitely work for .wav files – I’m not sure with other file types though. You can simply test it out, but might have to convert them first.
      Best regards,

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